Entré Computer Center
327 King George Avenue SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
Do you know someone who would appreciate the Entré Experience?
Send us an email.
“A Wonderful Partnership”
“Ethical and Trustworthy”
“Outstanding Service and
Great People!”
“Real Professionals”
Entré Computer Center
327 King George Avenue SW
Roanoke, VA 24016
P: 540-989-6000
Barton J. Wilner |
540-989-6000 Ext. 108
Tony Harrell |
Vice President – Technology
540-989-6000 Ext. 101
Robert Turcotte |
Senior Systems Consultant
540-989-6000 Ext. 103
Rob Couch |
Network Engineer
540-989-6000 Ext. 102
Alexander Burch |
Network Engineer
540-989-6000 Ext. 111