Entré in the Community

Entré Computer Center
327 King George Avenue SW
Roanoke, VA 24016


At Entré, we committed to being an excellent corporate citizen since our opening in 1983.  Our goal has always been to invest company resources, including time and money, to make our community a better place to live, work, and play.

Our team members have played a leadership role to support numerous organizations in our community.  We've served as board members, officers, committee members, consultants, donors, and volunteers for many groups, including:

American Cancer Society

Better Business Bureau

Blue Ridge Independent Living Center

Blue Ridge Land Conservancy

Botetourt Chamber of Commerce

Bradley Free Clinic

Brambleton Area Business Association

City of Roanoke

Community Foundation
Serving Western Virginia

Community School

Conflict Resolution Center

Council of Community Services

County of Roanoke

Downtown Roanoke Inc.


Explore Park

Family Service of Roanoke Valley

Feeding America

Festival in the Park

Grandin Village Business Association

Raleigh Court Neighborhood Association

Greenvale School

Habitat for Humanity

Harrison Museum of
African American Culture

Jefferson Center

Junior Achievement

March of Dimes

Mill Mountain Theatre

Mill Mountain Zoo

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Opera Roanoke

Relay for Life

Roanoke Adolescent Health Partnership

Roanoke Area Consultants

Roanoke Children’s Theatre

Roanoke City Schools

Roanoke College

Roanoke Kiwanis Club

Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce

Roanoke Symphony Orchestra

Roanoke Valley Jaycees

Roanoke Valley Reads

Roanoke Valley SPCA

Roanoke Valley Speech and Hearing

Salem Museum

St. Francis Service Dog Foundation

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration

The Salvation Army Roanoke Valley

Showtimers Community Theatre

Taubman Museum of Art

Toastmasters International

United Way of Roanoke Valley

Virginia Museum of Transportation

Virginia Tech

Virginia Veterans Parade

Virginia Western Community College

Visit Virginia's Blue Ridge

West End Center